History of The Company

History Of Statisda

Statisda was created in 2016 by Idongesit Koffi and Michael Ibok, the brand's respective founders, who agreed to start "voice-of-consumer" research. We wanted to improve our abilities to forecast, analyze, and investigate. Statisda acquired Analytics Predictive Modeling capabilities with an integrated learning platform in late 2018. What commenced as a single room show now boast of the luxury of a complete brand. We assumed that combining data with a strong research platform would allow us to accurately predict a customer's wants and answers. We succeeded in explaining the "why behind the data" with ease. Staying focused and being result-oriented is the foundation of personalized success. We have continued to grow our mandate on this foundation to this day.

About Statisda

Statisda is your modern-day research, econometric, statistics, and forecasting platform that offers powerful analytical tools with flexible, and easy-to-understand interpretation. At Statisda, we quickly and efficiently manage your data, perform econometric and statistical analysis, generate forecasts, simulate models, and produce high-quality graphs.

As our name implies, we’re passionate about data because we see first-hand, on a day-to-day basis, how that data affects our client’s research needs in a profound way. We’re driven to succeed. We know how data can be leveraged to help our partners receive more engagement with their messaging, and that excites us.

Above all, we’re committed to giving our clients the data they need when they need it. Whether that support is delivered through data lists, data processing, or the critical value-add of market research, our agility and timeliness is important to us because we know it affects results.